A downloadable game for Windows

Bloom is a serene experience where you play as a bee on its journey to explore the environment and pollinate flowers.

Recommended to play with a gamepad

Bloom is currently in the development phase and is open for testing. Thank you for taking the time to test our game. We would appreciate it greatly if you could record your gameplay and either send us a link to the footage or upload it to this Google Drive folder: 

Once you have played the game, please fill out this quick survey! https://forms.gle/DcEAY5TmCdRba3sE8


Forward:   RT / Left Shift
Steer:   Left Thumbstick / WASD + Mouse
Reverse:   LT / Left Ctrl
Camera:   Right Thumbstick 
Boost:   Right Face Button / Left Shift
Pause:   Start / Esc


Project ManagerJosh Ayala
Lead Programmer and Narrative Designer - Nora Lück-Jennings
Lead Designer - Jackson Symss


Cameron Griffith
Siyao Song

Graphic Design:

George Takis
Cristina Arróspide


Gabriel Furber
Bonnie Griffiths

Environment built with assets by AleksandrIvanov, purchased from Unreal Marketplace.


Bloom Final Build

Install instructions

Open the folders and run the BloomPrototype.exe to play!

Development log

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